ITC has created a range of market analysis tools to help users examine trade-related information of over 200 countries and territories and better understand the latest supply and demand trends for internationally traded products.
Market Access Map enables users to better understand and analyse market access conditions applied by more than 200 countries and territories and gathers information on tariffs, non- tariff measures, trade agreements and rules of origin.
Rules of Origin Facilitator helps MSMEs to get the most benefits from available trade agreements and to understand the applicable rules of origin to their products.
Trade Map presents international trade statistics with useful indicators on current trade performance, level of demand, market dynamism and role of competitors from both a product and a country perspective.
Export Potential Map identifies products, markets and suppliers with untapped export potential as well as opportunities for export diversification for 224 countries and territories and 4,064 products.
Market Price Information Portal Tracks the most recent market price information, as well as historical data, of agricultural products, complemented with daily commodity news
Procurement Map contains more than 150,000 active public tenders and contract awards from 180 countries updated on a daily basis.
Sustainability Map Provides access to a wide-range of sustainability initiatives, standards and trends. The platform encourages better understanding of the sustainability standards landscape and connect with partners.
The Business Intelligence Platform provides historical data on the economy, trade, finance, industrial sectors. It enables easy access to peruse and interpret data at a glance
June 1995
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)