
Oct 31 2018

Anti-Corruption Compliance Training for Enterprises

Venue: | Time: Training

In line with the COMESA Business Council (CBC) Integrity Project, the MCCI, in collaboration with the CBC, is pleased to invite you to attend a two-day training on the theme "Anti-Corruption Compliance", on 31st October - 1st November 2018. The event will be launched by the Minister of Financial Services and Good Governance,  Hon. Sudhir Seesungkur.

The objective of the workshop is to train compliance officers or people who are in charge of compliance within their companies to:

- Investigate and articulate the need for corruption prevention within their business

- Appreciate and understand the methods for mapping and developing an effective compliance program that meets international standards.

The trainer, Mr. Wybrand Ganzevoort, is a fully certified CIPE Trainer. The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), since 1983, has been working with local partners which include business associations, chambers of commerce, think tanks, universities and advocacy organizations, to find locally driven solutions to  create an enabling environment for business to thrive.

Deadline for registration: 26 October 2018


Kindly note that seats are limited.


Participation will be retained on a first-come, first-served basis.


For more information, please contact Mrs. Christiane Charlot on or tel: 2034830