Micro, Small and Medium Businesses are invited to participate in the “Small Businesses Going Global Video Challenge”, competition. This project falls under the ‘World Trade Organisation (WTO)- International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Small Business Champions Initiative’.
Google Inc’s proposal is the first to be selected by the WTO and ICC. It consists of a video competition inviting Micro, Small and Medium-sized enterprises to share their stories, through a short video, about how they have used internet technologies such as cloud services, apps, payment solutions, communication and productivity tools, real-time analytics, translation tools, and video platforms – to become global exporters.
The winner and runners-up, who will be announced at the WTO’s 11th Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires in December 2017, will win a trip to a Masterclass at Google in digital skills tailored to MSMEs, the cost of which will be covered by Google.
For further details, please read the terms and conditions on the link: https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news17_e/bus_27sep17_e.pdf
Participants are invited to upload their videos on YouTube (or other video-sharing sites) with the tag #msmesgoingglobal and the link emailed to msmes.global.challenge@gmail.com, with their name, age, nationality and contact details.
The competition is open for submissions until 17 November 2017.