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MARC holds its first mediation under the MARC Mediation Rules

MARC holds its first mediation under the MARC Mediation Rules

MARC 27 Feb 2017

The MCCI Arbitration and Mediation Center (MARC) conducted its first mediation in December 2016, between the Mauritius Cargo Community Services Ltd. (MACCS) and the Cargo Handling Corporation Ltd. (CHCL).*

The dispute, which concerned the effective date of the agreement between the parties as to the repartition of maintenance charges related to the upgrading of the IT system of CHCL, had remained unresolved for the past four years. Administered by the MARC Permanent Secretariat and mediated by Mrs. Narghis Bundhun SC, the dispute was successfully settled during the course of a mediation session which took place on 2 December 2016.

The mediation resulted in a binding agreement and helped to end years of unfruitful negotiations and unproductive delays. The participants reported being very satisfied with the MARC Mediation process and claimed that mediation would be their tool of choice if faced with a similar type of conflict in the future.

(* Published with the kind authorisation of the Parties)